About Us

At Bet Hesed we study and teach God's Word, the Bible, from a Hebraic perspective. We express our praise and worship of God through a Messianic/Davidic expression and style of music and dance, and borrow from the Jewish liturgical tradition for the order of our services.

What To Expect

Our Kabbalat Shabbat (meaning Welcoming of Shabbat) Services start at 7:45PM on Friday evenings, and the formal service conludes around 9:00pm. We allow time afterwards for fellowship and sharing of food and coffee (oneg). Children are welcome to participate in the full service, yet being sensitive to children's attention and learning stages, we do have elementary level lessons during part of the service.

Come and join us to see who we are firsthand and be part of a loving and dedicated people who want to Praise God and share the Besora (Good News) of Yeshua to the surrounding community. In this way you will also take part in building and strengthening the local Messianic Jewish and Hebrew Roots community.

Our services are held at the property of Concordia Lutheran Church located at:

Weekly Kabbalat Shabbat Service time is Fridays at 7:45PM